arcs in şirince, aug 2016, photo by me,

I am mostly interested in morphology and psycholinguistics. I am currently working on (i) morphological planning, i.e., when and how morphemes are planned in sentence production and (ii) how theories of generics/kind NPs can interact with the neurolinguistic findings.

In June 2022, I defended my MA thesis titled “Agreement Attraction in Turkish” in Bogazici University, where I worked with Pavel Logacev and focused on case-ambiguity, response bias, and shallow processing in agreement attraction.

During my time in Bogazici, I also worked on formal semantics of hypothetical comparisons, the phonemic status of Turkish glide [j], treebanking efforts in Turkish and Laz. I spent a semester in Masaryk University, as an invited researcher, where I worked with Pavel Caha and focused on the syntax-phonology interface of Turkish case system and augmentatives in Turkish using nanosyntactic framework.

My favorite food is gata with koritz and my favorite icecream flavor is saffron and rose (5pm snack of Anthony Bourdain). In my freetime, I try to do some calligraphy. I co-founded Translate for Justice, an independent platform of voluntary translators from all corners of the world to help raise awareness by providing information for the international public on the issues of restriction of basic human rights and freedom.