discarded sofa, may 17, photo by me

Dissertation / Thesis

Türk, U. (2022). Agreement Attraction in Turkish. MA thesis. Bogazici University. [pdf]. [repo].

Journal Articles

Türk, U., Logacev, P. (2024). Agreement Attraction in Turkish: The case of genitive attractors. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 39(4), 448–454. [pdf]

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B. et al. (2022). Resources for Turkish dependency parsing: introducing the BOUN Treebank and the BoAT annotation tool. Language Resources & Evaluation 56, 259–307. [pdf]

Book Chapters

Türk, U. (revision). ‘Controlling morphosyntactic competition through phonology’. In Karen de Clerq, Pavel Caha, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds), Exploring Nanosyntax II: The Lexicalisation algorithm, Oxford Academic Press. (available upon a request)

Canalis, S., Özdemir, S., Türk, U., Tunçer, Ü.C. (2024). The phonological nature of the Turkish front glide. Selected Essays on Turkish Linguistics: The Anadolu Meeting. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. [pdf]

In Progress

Türk, U. (in prep). Response Bias in Turkish Agreement Attraction. [repo] (available upon a request)

Türk, U. & Ellen Lau (in prep). Kind NPs. [repo] (available upon a request)


Türk, U., Demirok, Ö. (2021). Hypothetical Comparison in Turkish. In S. Gundogdu, S. Taghipour, & A. Peters (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic, LSA, Doi: 10.3765/ptu.v6i1.5054. [pdf]

Türk, U., Caha, P. (2021). Nanosyntactic Analysis of Turkish Case System. In S. Gundogdu, S. Taghipour, & A. Peters (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic, LSA, Doi: 10.3765/ptu.v6i1.5051. [pdf]

Türk, U. (2020). Tackling the Augmentative Puzzle in Turkish. In B. Palaz & L. Stromdahl (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic, LSA, Doi: 10.3765/ptu.v5i1.4771. [pdf]

Türk, U., Bayar, K., Özercan, A. D., Öztürk, G. Y., Özateş, S. B. (2020) First Steps towards Universal Dependencies for Laz. In M. de Marneffe, M. de Lhoneux, J. Nivre & S. Schuster (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020), 189-194. [pdf]

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, S. B., Bedir, S. T., Köksal, A., Öztürk B., Güngör, T., Özgür, A. (2019). Turkish Treebanking: Unifying and Constructing Efforts. In A. Friedrich, D. Zeyrek & J. Hoek (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 166-177. [pdf]

Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, S. B., Bedir, S. T., Köksal, A., Öztürk B., Güngör, T., Özgür, A. (2019). Improving the Annotations in the Turkish Universal Dependency Treebank. In A. Rademaker & F. Tyers (eds.), Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2019), 108-117. [pdf]


(manuscripts are available upon request via e-mail)

Türk, U. (2022). Minimalist Approach cannot explain Obviation in Turkish.

Türk, U. (2022). Insight from redundant encoding tendency: Broca’s Area as a space for (inner-)syntax.

Türk, U. (2021). The Role of Register in Agreement Attraction.