I am a second year Ph.D. student in linguistics at University of Maryland, working with Colin Phillips and Ellen Lau. My main research interests are in morphology and psycholinguistics. Before UMD, I completed my masters at Bogazici University Linguistics, where I worked with Pavel Logačev and write my thesis titled Agreement Attraction in Turkish.
- August 2024: book chapter on suppletion and suspended affixation in press at OUP! [lingbuzz] & [local pdf]
- July 2024: designed and taught a workshop on production experiments in Oxford University (w/Colin Phillips, Allison Dods and Eun-Kyoung Rosa Lee). [some notes on implementing production experiments]
- May 2024: poster on agreement planning and task effects in production in HSP2024
- March 2024: case syncretism and agreement attraction paper (w/ Pavel Logačev) published on Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience! [link]
- April 2024: book chapter on the phonemic status of Turkish glide [j] published! [pdf]
- March 2023: talk on response bias and agreement attraction in HSP2023. [slides]
view of bosphrous and kennedy lodge, photo by me, aug 18