my view from my camp in the hills of şirince, july 16, photo by me

Conference Poster & Talks

Turk, U., Aron, H. (2025, April). Syntactic alternatives in Turkish polar questions. Talk given at PLC 49: The Penn Linguistics Conference. University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, USA. [abstract]

Turk, U. (2025, March). Turkish register manipulation eliminates grammaticality asymmetry in attraction and challenges retrieval based accounts. Talk given at HSP 2025: Human Sentence Processing. UMD, College Park, MD, USA. [abstract]

Turk, U. (2025, March). Register modulates grammaticality asymmetry in Turkish agreement attraction. Talk given at the 10th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. USC: Los Angeles, CA, USA. [abstract]

Turk, U., Hirsch, A. (2025, March). Turkish allows covert scrambling. Poster presented at the 10th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. USC: Los Angeles, CA, USA. [abstract]

Lewis, S., Turk, U. (2025, January). Superiority Effects with Wh-Adjuncts in Turkish. Talk given at LSA 2025: Linguistic Society of America. Philadelphia, PA, USA. [slides]

Turk, U., Lau, E., Phillips, C. (2024, October). When do we plan agreement in our speech: Case from agreement attraction in unaccusatives. Talk given at Puzzles of Agreement:Syntactic, Semantic, and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. [abstract] [slides]

Turk, U., Phillips, C. (2024, May). Speech timing evidence on the (in)dependence of root and inflection access in production. Poster presented at Human Sentence Processing 2024. [abstract]

Dods, A., Macdonald, A., Turk, U., Mancha, S., Phillips, C. (2024, May). Is the octopus regenerating?: Comparing timing effects in sentence recall and picture description tasks. Poster presented at Human Sentence Processing 2024. [abstract]

Turk, U., Logacev, P. (2023, March). Novel analysis of response bias challenges representational accounts in attraction. Talk given at Human Sentence Processing 2023. [abstract]

Turk, U. (2023, March). Obviation Problem in Turkish. Poster presented at the 8th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. Harvard University: Cambridge, MA, USA. [abstract]

Sampanis, K., Turk, U. (2021, September). Defining borrowing hierarchies in the light of sociolinguistic and geodemographic causation: contact-induced morphosyntactic change in Asia Minor Greek. Talk given (virtually) at 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea.

Turk, U., Logacev, P. (2021, September). Response Bias Manipulation in Turkish Agreement Attraction. Poster presented (virtually) at AMLaP 2021: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Paris, France. [abstract] [slides]

Turk, U. (2021, September). Effects of Vowel Characteristics in Suspended Affixation with Root Allomorphy. Poster presented (virtually) at AMLaP 2021: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Paris, France. [abstract] [slides]

Turk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş. B., Berk, G., Bedir, S. T., Köksal, A., ÖzTurk Başaran, B., Güngör, T., Özgür, A. (2021, August). The more the merrier: a new dependency treebank for Turkish. Talk given (virtually) at the 20th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Eskişehir, Turkey.

Canalis, S., Özdemir, S., Turk, U., Tunçer, Ü.C. (2021, August). The phonological nature of the Turkish front glide. Talk given (virtually) at the 20th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Eskişehir, Turkey.

Turk, U., Demirok, Ö. (2021, March). Hypothetical Comparison in Turkish. Talk given (virtually) at the 45th Penn Linguistics Conference. University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, USA. [abstract] [handout]

Turk, U., Demirok, Ö. (2021, February). Hypothetical Comparison in Turkish. Talk given (virtually) at the 6th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. University of Toronto: Toronto, ON, Canada. [abstract] [handout]

Turk, U., Caha, P. (2021, February). Nanosyntactic Analysis of Turkish Cases. Poster presented (virtually) at the 6th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. University of Toronto: Toronto, ON, Canada. [abstract] [handout]

Turk, U. (2021, January). When vowel harmony has a say in morpho-syntax. Talk given (virtually) at ConSOLE29: the 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe. University of Leiden: Leiden, Netherlands. [abstract] [slides]

Canalis, S., Özdemir, S., Turk, U., Tunçer, Ü.C. (2021, January). When glides are obstruents, or Turkish [j]. Talk given (virtually) at the 18th Old World Phonology Conference. University of the Balearic Islands: Palma, Spain. [abstract] [slides]

Turk, U., Bayar, K., Özercan, A.D., Özateş, Ş.B. (2020, December). First steps towards Universal Dependencies for Laz. Poster presented (virtually) at the 4th Universal Dependencies Workshop, COLING 2020. Barcelona, Spain.

Turk, U., Logacev, P. (2020, February). The role of shallow processing in agreement attraction. Poster presented (virtually) at the 33rd annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference. University of Massachusetts. [abstract]

Turk, U., Logacev, P. (2020, February). The role of shallow processing in agreement attraction. Talk given at Linguistic Evidence: Linguistic Theory Enriched by Experimental Data. Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, Germany. [abstract]

Özdemir, S., Turk, U. (2020, February). An investigation into the nature of Turkish glide [j]. Poster presented at the 5th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. University of Delaware: Newark, DE, USA. [abstract]

Turk, U. (2020, February). Tackling the augmentative puzzle in Turkish. Poster presented at the 5th Workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. University of Delaware: Newark, DE, USA. [abstract]

Turk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., ÖzTurk, B., Güngör, T., Özgür A. (2019, August). Improving the annotations in the Turkish Universal Dependency Treebank. Talk given at the 3rd Universal Dependencies Workshop, SyntaxFest2019. Sorbonne Université: Paris, France.

Turk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., ÖzTurk, B., Güngör, T., Özgür A. (2019, August). Turkish Treebanking: Unifying and Constructiong Efforts. Poster presented at the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL 2019. Florence, Italy.

Turk, U. (2019, June). Decomposing Turkish Augmentatives. Talk given at the 16th Workshop on Syntax, Semantics, and Phonology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, Spain.

Turk, U. (2019, May). Nanosyntax of Augmentative in Turkish: Interfix Analysis. Poster presented at AIMM 4: the 4th American International Morphology Meeting. Stony Brook University: NY, USA.

Turk, U., Dikmen, F. (2019, April). Obligatory Adjuncts within Turkish Impersonals. Talk given at the 13th Linguistics Student Conference. Ankara University: Ankara, Turkey.

Invited & Internal Talks

Türk, U. (February, 2024). Timing of Agreement in Verb Planning. Talk given at UMass/UMD Psycholinguistic Mixer. University of Massachusetts: Amherst, MA, USA.

Türk, U. (January, 2024). Controlling morphosyntactic competition through phonology. Talk given at S-Lab. University of Maryland: College Park, MD, USA. handout

Türk, U. (December, 2022). As If they were Turkish As Ifs. Talk given at Meaning Meeting. University of Maryland: College Park, MD, USA.

Türk, U. (October, 2022). Sources of Bias in Psycholinguistic Data. Talk given at Language Science Lunch Talks. Language Science Center, University of Maryland: College Park, MD, USA.

Türk, U. (February, 2019). Is Accusative Case Really the Case? Talk given at 1st Bogazici University Student Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics. Bogazici University: Istanbul, Turkey.