I am a third year Ph.D. student in linguistics at University of Maryland, working with Colin Phillips and Ellen Lau. My main research interests are in morphology and psycholinguistics, both comprehension and production.
Before UMD, I completed my masters at Bogazici University Linguistics, where I worked with Pavel Logačev and write my thesis titled Agreement Attraction in Turkish.
I also visited Masaryk University where I worked with Pavel Caha on Turkish case morphology and adjectival decomposition.
- January 2025: talk on Superiority effects in Turkish at LSA2025 (w/Sadira Lewis)! [handout]
- October 2024: talk on relative timing of agreement and verb planning at Puzzles of Agreement! [slides]
- October 2024: we are organizing HSP2025, and I made the website! Submit your work! [hsp2025]
- August 2024: book chapter on suppletion and suspended affixation in press at OUP! [lingbuzz] & [local pdf]
- July 2024: designed and taught a workshop on production experiments in Oxford University (w/Colin Phillips, Allison Dods and Eun-Kyoung Rosa Lee). [some notes on implementing production experiments]
- May 2024: poster on agreement planning and task effects in production in HSP2024
- March 2024: case syncretism and agreement attraction paper (w/ Pavel Logačev) published on Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience! [link]
- April 2024: book chapter on the phonemic status of Turkish glide [j] published! [pdf]
- March 2023: talk on response bias and agreement attraction in HSP2023. [slides]